UM Trading
Global leader in Molasses
procurement and trading

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UM Trading

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UM Trading is a leading player in the international trading of molasses in Europe, Asia and the Americas including molasses related products for use in the animal feed, fermentation and industrial sectors.

UM Trading is responsible for the procurement of raw ingredients for sale to in-house and third party customers.

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Co-ordinating the global procurement and sales

of cane molasses, beet molasses, CMS and other co-liquid products.

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UM Trading

Headquartered in the City of London, the Trading Desk is responsible for co-ordinating the Global procurement and sales of cane molasses, beet molasses, CMS and other co-liquid products.

UM Trading has strong local and strategic partnerships globally supplying UM marketing businesses and third party customers. Combining in-depth knowledge of the world market and long term experience UM Trading continues to demonstrate leadership in the global molasses market. UM Trading has its own in-house Chartering and Logistics department. Working in partnership with our UM Marketing businesses and third party customers we are able provide full service logistics support and coordination of worldwide bulk liquid movements and storage.

Um trading introduction
Umgroup trading cane molasses teaser

Cane Molasses

A by-product of raw sugar manufacture from sugar cane. The primary usage of cane molasses is for animal feed and as a fermentation and ethanol feedstock.

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Beet Molasses

A by-product of sugar manufacture from sugar beet. The largest producers of sugar beet are the EU, USA and China. The primary usage of beet molasses is for animal feed and as a fermentation and ethanol feedstock.

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Organic Molasses

A by-product from the manufacture of organic sugar.

UM Trading are certified by the Soil Association.

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Condensed Molasses Solubles

A by-product produced after fermentation of cane and beet molasses. Primary usage of CMS (Condensed Molasses Solubles) is for animal feed and fertilizer.

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Other liquids

Please contact the Trading desk for further information