UM Advanced Liquid Feeds (ALF)


UM Advanced Liquid Feeds is a UK market leader in blended feed fats and crude vegetable oils to the UK animal feed sector.

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Highest quality blended feed fats

supplied to the animal feed sector

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Philosophy of Advanced Liquid Feeds Ltd

Local & global industry knowledge

From its inception, the philosophy of Advanced Liquid Feeds Ltd has been to drive a feed fat business centred on high quality, trusted products, top-level service and unrivalled technical knowledge. Since joining UM and becoming part of the wider W&R Barnett group, our position as a UK market leader has been strengthened even further through utilising UM’s global logistics and market knowledge and working in close collaboration with our partner businesses in the UK and Europe.

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Working to the highest standards

Our fully traceable feed fat blends are all manufactured at our UM Group terminals in Hull under our ISO 9001 and FEMAS (AIC) quality accreditations. Dedicated to serving the needs of our customers, Advanced Liquid Feeds Ltd continue to offer the complete package to suit feed manufacturers in all aspects of their feed fat requirements.

Meeting our customers meeting our clients requirements

Meeting our customers’ requirements

We are committed to supplying the highest quality products at all times, in the most cost effective way. Our long established trading links and product expertise ensure Advanced Liquid Feeds Ltd is able to react immediately to any change in customer and legislative requirements and the increasingly volatile fluctuations in vegetable oil markets.