UM Terminals
Bulk Liquid Storage Solutions
innovator & trusted trading partner

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UM Terminals

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UM Terminals owns all of our storage assets in Great Britain. It is a niche supplier of bulk liquid storage facilities to the food, industrial, feed and energy sectors in the UK with over 265,000 cubic metres of storage assets located in Liverpool, Hull, Portbury and Hamburg.

Umgroup terminal Locations Map

Umgroup terminal Locations Map
UM Terminals benefit image: top

Flexible bulk liquid storage

UM Terminals operates bulk liquid storage facilities for foodstuffs, feed grade and industrial products in the UK

UM Terminals benefit image: top
Umt terminals our business

Our business

UM Terminals has evolved from United Molasses, a historic trading and shipping business, and is committed to the provision of high quality bulk liquid storage for a variety of sectors from agricultural, food, industrial and energy sectors.

The business is supported by our own in-house technical team comprising of plant design, engineering and maintenance expertise.

Um terminals our commitment to quality

Our commitment to quality

Our commitment to quality and applicable assurance schemes is a key driver within the business and provides our clients with the confidence that their products are being stored, handled and processed to the highest standards.

The evolving requirements of our markets place considerable importance on all aspects of product quality, safety and service.

Um terminals safety health and the environment

Safety, Health & the Environment

UM Terminals is committed to meeting and, where possible, exceeding our Health & Safety plans. We seek to be an environmentally sustainable business whilst meeting the conditions of our permits and other Health & Safety requirements.
